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Guides & Tutorials
What’s New in MOXO – 2024
The MOXO application has undergone extensive improvements and enhancements and is more convenient and intuitive to use than ever before!
Product Updates
Why Choose Premium?
A premium account is ideal for those who need to transition between identifying attentional difficulties and viewing strengths and executive functions.
Neurotek Updates
Our Experts Discuss Attention In Education – DLAC 2024
Our team of experts had a great time hosting an inspiring panel at DLAC on: “Where Attentional Theory Meets the Science of Learning”
Product Updates
Discover The New MOXO Account Types
The assessment you know and love is now easier to administer and review, and can be evaluated in exciting new ways - MOXO Profiler & MOXO Premium.
Neurotek Updates
Mindful Education – Webinar Highlights (Sep’ 2023)
Attentional assessments hold the power to transform the future of education That was the key takeaway from our recent webinar where we discussed how
Guides & Tutorials
MOXO’s Exclusive Indicators
The MOXO cockpit displays unique indicators for your review and evaluation. The following three indicators allow you to assess the validity, credibility and uniqueness
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