What does MOXO measure – detailed report

In this Issue

MOXO d-CPT – Providing a Full Scale Attentiveness Profile

The MOXO d-CPT test provides a full Attentiveness Profile based on the patient’s
cognitive and behavior performance (Clinical Report). This profile is obtained by
assessing four major performance indices:
Attentiveness, Timeliness, Impulsiveness and Hyper-reactivity

MOXO d-CPT – Providing a Full Scale Attentiveness Profile

The MOXO d-CPT test provides a full Attentiveness Profile based on the patient’s cognitive and behavior performance (Clinical Report). This profile is obtained by assessing four major performance indices: Attentiveness, Timeliness, Impulsiveness and Hyper-reactivity

The Four Attentiveness Pillars

A > Attentiveness

Attentiveness reflects the patient’s ability to correctly evaluate and respond to a stimulus, according to instructions. Patients who experience difficulties in this area have problems paying attention to their environment, or to specific details when required to do so. To an onlooker, a person who appears not to be paying attention can seem somewhat unfocused and detached. However, such patients face intense difficulties in their daily life such as following teachers in class, understanding more complex instructions, keeping track of small changes in their surroundings, avoiding calculation errors and much more.

T > Timeliness

Timeliness reflects the patient’s ability to respond correctly within the time-frame allotted for a task. Whilst a person with timing issues may be able to evaluate their environment correctly, they may falter when asked to react in a timely manner to environmental changes. Examples of this are performing tasks requiring a quick and immediate response, as well as staying on schedule. Such tasks might include answering questions under time pressure (even when the material is familiar). Timing problems display similar characteristics to attention problems: A time gap is formed when attempting to perform a task to completion. Since it is difficult to keep track, a gap in the (study) material is formed. As the task continues, this gap increases until eventually; people faced with this type of difficulty lose a sense of continuity along with their ability to stay on top of the task.

I > Impulsiveness

Impulsiveness is the tendency to respond at a point in time which is defined as ‘forbidden’. A person with a tendency to be impulsive might act without considering the situation at hand or the possible outcomes of such behavior. Such conduct can take place even when a person fully understands the more problematic and undesirable outcomes of impulsive behavior. In many cases, impulsiveness might cause people to trigger monitoring processes only after their initial response. Typical features of impulsiveness include difficulty in waiting for a turn or engaging in dangerous behavior without considering the consequences.

H > Hyper-Reactivity

Hyperactivity is difficulty in efficient regulation of motoric output and in refraining from unnecessary or undesirable actions (movement, over talking etc.). In other words, hyper-reactive behavior will be accompanied by excessive responses that are defined as incorrect and unwanted. Often people who exhibit hyperactivity are aware of the undesirable outcomes of their behavior and yet they still face the difficult challenge of abstaining from such actions.

MOXO d-CPT – Providing a Full Scale Attentiveness Profile

The MOXO d-CPT test provides a full Attentiveness Profile based on the patient’s
cognitive and behavior performance (Clinical Report). This profile is obtained by
assessing four major performance indices:
Attentiveness, Timeliness, Impulsiveness and Hyper-reactivity

MOXO d-CPT – Providing a Full Scale Attentiveness Profile

The MOXO d-CPT test provides a full Attentiveness Profile based on the patient’s cognitive and behavior performance (Clinical Report). This profile is obtained by assessing four major performance indices: Attentiveness, Timeliness, Impulsiveness and Hyper-reactivity

The Four Attentiveness Pillars

A > Attentiveness

Attentiveness reflects the patient’s ability to correctly evaluate and respond to a stimulus, according to instructions. Patients who experience difficulties in this area have problems paying attention to their environment, or to specific details when required to do so. To an onlooker, a person who appears not to be paying attention can seem somewhat unfocused and detached. However, such patients face intense difficulties in their daily life such as following teachers in class, understanding more complex instructions, keeping track of small changes in their surroundings, avoiding calculation errors and much more.

T > Timeliness

Timeliness reflects the patient’s ability to respond correctly within the time-frame allotted for a task. Whilst a person with timing issues may be able to evaluate their environment correctly, they may falter when asked to react in a timely manner to environmental changes. Examples of this are performing tasks requiring a quick and immediate response, as well as staying on schedule. Such tasks might include answering questions under time pressure (even when the material is familiar). Timing problems display similar characteristics to attention problems: A time gap is formed when attempting to perform a task to completion. Since it is difficult to keep track, a gap in the (study) material is formed. As the task continues, this gap increases until eventually; people faced with this type of difficulty lose a sense of continuity along with their ability to stay on top of the task.

I > Impulsiveness

Impulsiveness is the tendency to respond at a point in time which is defined as ‘forbidden’. A person with a tendency to be impulsive might act without considering the situation at hand or the possible outcomes of such behavior. Such conduct can take place even when a person fully understands the more problematic and undesirable outcomes of impulsive behavior. In many cases, impulsiveness might cause people to trigger monitoring processes only after their initial response. Typical features of impulsiveness include difficulty in waiting for a turn or engaging in dangerous behavior without considering the consequences.

H > Hyper-Reactivity

Hyperactivity is difficulty in efficient regulation of motoric output and in refraining from unnecessary or undesirable actions (movement, over talking etc.). In other words, hyper-reactive behavior will be accompanied by excessive responses that are defined as incorrect and unwanted. Often people who exhibit hyperactivity are aware of the undesirable outcomes of their behavior and yet they still face the difficult challenge of abstaining from such actions.
הרשם לחדשות MOXO
המשיכו להתעדכן בכלים המקצועיים שלנו המיועדים לכם

הכלים המקצועיים שלנו

מקום לחשוב על MOXO

MOXO AGORA הנה קהילת מומחים מובילה בעולם המכנסת יחד את מיטב המוחות לקידום המחקר, הטכניקות האבחוניות ושיטות הטיפול בקשיי קשב.

שיתופי פעולה עם מוסדות מובילים

אנו בוחנים אפשרויות לשיתוף פעולה וסיוע לקבוצות מחקר בנושאים שונים. נא להוריד את התקציר שלנו כדי להתעדכן בפרסומינו האחרונים על ידי הרשמה לעלון המידע שלנו.

מרכז הדרכה והסמכה

הדרכה מתמשכת והסמכה מידי שנה הן המפתח להצלחתנו. תכנית ההסמכה מיועדת לקלינאים שלנו כדי שיוכלו להתעדכן בכל התכונות החדשות והישנות.