Clinical Material

Tomorrow’s biggest stories.
ASD and ADHD Differential functioningTAU, Dana Hospital, Souarasky hospitalASD and ADHD Differential functioning
ADHD and Epilepsy 2013ADHD and Epilepsy 2013
Selective Effects of MPH as measured by CPT among children with ADHDHadassah Hebrew UniversitySelective Effects of MPH as measured by CPT among children with ADHD
The correlation between distractor incorporated CPT to neuropsychological test battery results of children with ADHDIstanbul Bilim University, Istanbul, TurkeyThe correlation between distractor incorporated CPT to neuropsychological test battery results of children with ADHD
The Utilization of d-CPT in differentiaiton of ADHD and Anxiety in childrenIstanbul Bilim University, Istanbul, TurkeyThe Utilization of d-CPT in differentiaiton of ADHD and Anxiety in children
ADHD & Comorbidities: Prof  Cesar SoutulloHighlights of the 1st International MOXO AGORA SymposiumADHD & Comorbidities: Prof Cesar Soutullo
Impact of Covid19 on School age Children: Prof  Cesar SoutulloHighlights of the 1st International MOXO AGORA SymposiumImpact of Covid19 on School age Children: Prof Cesar Soutullo